[Starfield]: Shattered Space – リリース 2024年10月

Bethesda Game

Starfieldの新DLC「Shattered Space」

Shattered Space

Starfield / スターフィールドの新しいDLC「Shattered Space / シャッタード・スペース」が公開されました。

DLCの名前ですが、日本語の表記が見られなくて、どれも英単語でShattered Spaceと書いてあったので、このままの表記にしました。意味は、砕かれた空間とか、そんな意味だと思います。

Starfieldは、PC版、Xbox x|sで発売中です。PC版の場合、Steamで購入することになると思いますが、Premium Edition、Starfield + Shattered Space、Starfield + DIGITAL PREMIUM EDITION UPGRADEを購入すると、Shattered Spaceをプレイすることが出来ます。


「Shattered Space」のリリースに備えよう
Bethesda Game Studiosの『Starfield』の新規ストーリー拡張コンテンツ「Shattered Space」は、10月1日にリリースされます。アップデート内容の詳細をこちらでご案内します。
Steam: Starfield – Shattered Space


Starfieldのバニラでは、たびたびヴァルーン家、グレートサーペントの名前は出てきますが、一部のキャラが登場するだけで、ほとんど謎に包まれていました。今回のShattered Spaceでは、

Bethesda.net: 『Starfield』の拡張コンテンツ
『Starfield』の拡張コンテンツ「Shattered Space」について詳しく知ろう
Bethesda Game Studiosと一緒に「Shattered Space」を詳しく見ていきましょう。『Starfield』の大型ストーリー拡張コンテンツ第1弾では、ヴァルーン家を取り巻く多くの謎を明らかにするため、新たに描かれる孤...

アップデート: 1.14.70

今回のShatterd Spaceの公開に一緒にStarfieldがアップデートされました。最新のバージョンは、1.14.70(PC版のバージョン)です。


[Starfield]: アップデート 1.13.64 – 2024年8月21日
[Starfield]: アップデート 1.13.64 - 2024年8月21日
アップデート 1.13.64 - 2024年8月21日アップデート内容2024年8月21日にStarfieldのアップデートがありました。今回のアップデートは、REV-8と言う地上を走るバギータイプの乗り物が追加されたことが、一番大きいです...

バージョン1.14.70では、Creation KitでLODを作成できる機能が追加されたり、ロボットやタレットがEM兵器からダメージを受けるようになりました。まだ英語のみの発表で日本語がありません。日本語が公開されたら書き直します。

アップデート内容: 1.14.70
  • Features
    • Creation Kit: The automated process used to create models for Distant LOD is now available
    • General
    • General performance and stability improvements
    • Resolved an issue that limited the number of loaded creations to 255
    • Lighting changes and enhancements have been made throughout the game
    • Made several visual improvements and bug fixes for weapon models
    • Improved player headtracking when exiting dialogue
    • The player’s camera should no longer be jostled when jumping
  • Gameplay
    • The Annihilator Particle Beam damage-over-time effect no longer affects Companions
    • Robots and Turrets will now take damage from EM weapons
    • Crafting: Addressed an issue with The Boom Pop! Dynamite recipe
    • Elite Crew: Autumn Macmillan no longer repeats herself when asking about her sister
    • Addressed an issue with Crowd behavior near The Well elevator in the New Atlantis Spaceport when combat is initiated
  • Quests
    • Brownout: Addressed an issue with progression after speaking with Joyce Osaka in New Homestead
    • Due In Full: Addressed a rare issue with The Delinquent Space Ship appearing
    • Eye Witness: Player can no longer enter the destroyed ship on the spaceport landing pad
    • Hostile Intelligence: Addressed an issue that could cause the door to the Security Office to be inaccessible if they fast travel away and wait during this quest objective
    • In Memoriam: Addressed an issue that could prevent progression during the “Speak with Sarah” objective that takes place near the waterfall
    • In Memoriam: Fixed an issue that could prevent the objective “Proceed to Cassiopeia I” from completing if the planet had been visited previously
    • Leader of the Pack: Addressed an issue that could prevent the Ashta Alpha from being aggressive
    • Legacy’s End: Addressed an issue that could prevent interaction with Delgado if siding with SysDef
    • Legacy’s End: Released Crimson Fleet prisoners will no longer target Ikande after obtaining weapons
    • Managing Assets: Addressed a rare issue that could prevent Tomo from appearing at Paradiso
    • One Giant Leap: Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect music to play during the Unity Scene
    • One Giant Leap: Addressed an issue with Audio that could occur during the credits
    • One Small Step: Resolved a rare camera issue that could occur if the first Crimson Fleet ship in the tutorial is boarded
    • Revelation: Addressed an issue with Quest Target consistency in the final encounter
    • Rook Meets King: Dmitri Moldavski will now respond as intended if Austin Rake is killed during the encounter
    • Rook Meets King: Addressed an issue where one of the Ragana crew was using the incorrect weapon animations
    • Rough Landings: Fixed a rare issue with Milena Axelrod’s ship to appearing
    • The Best There Is: Addressed an issue that could prevent Huan from moving to the Jade Swan after the first meeting
    • The Best There Is: The Jade Swan is now accessible if the player still has the “Search and Seizure” quest active
    • The Best There Is: Addressed an issue that could make the UC Vigilance difficult to locate because it was very far away
    • The Showdown: Resolved an issue that could cause the door to the Strikers Hangout to remain locked
  • Locations
    • Akila: Updated some textures in the Slums
    • Akila: Resolved a collision issue with bunk beds
    • Deserted Biotics Lab: Fixed missing panels on the exterior floor
    • Lair of the Mantis: Resolved a minor texture issue that could appear on some panels
    • Londinion Steam Tunnels: Fixed collision in an area that could allow players to get out of bounds
    • Maheo I: Closed an open gap on the roof of Sonny Di Falco’s Mansion
    • Neon: Nyx’s Apartment: Fixed an issue with collision in the area
    • Neon: Addressed a collision issue with grated panels in Ebbside
    • New Atlantis: Addressed small areas where water in the lake North of New Atlantis could appear to intersect terrain
    • Stroud-Eklund Staryard: Addressed collision in an area
    • The Clinic: Addressed a visual issue that could appear in Dr. Cassidy’s office
    • The Red Mile: Addressed a collision issue under the platforms in the final area
  • Ships
    • Ship Builder: A new option has been added to the game settings to allow for toggling Flip Merge behavior use
    • Ship Builder: Fixed an audio issue that could occur when deleting a hab
    • Ship Builder: Fixed a crash that could occur when modifying a ship that contained a live mine
    • Addressed an issue that could allow non-sellable ships to be sold to vendors
  • Vehicle
    • Addressed an issue with Set Active in the Vehicle menu when using a gamepad
    • Fixed an issue with the position of Wheel VFX
    • Addressed an issue with opening the Favorites menu while entering the vehicle
    • Name plates and health bars will now display consistently while in a vehicle
    • Settings for look sensitivity will now affect the vehicle camera
    • Kaiser and Vasco will no longer both sit in the Rev-8 when following the player
    • The vehicle icon will no longer display in interior maps
    • The vehicle lights will no longer be automatically on when loading a save
    • The fast travel distance for the vehicle is now in-line with other POIs and landed ships
  • UI
    • Xbox Display Settings: Resolved an issue where setting the frame rate target to 60 would automatically revert the priority back to performance
    • Removed a debug string that would display when uploading saves on Xbox to Customer Service
    • Updated the Skills menu to resolve an issue in Large Font Mode for certain languages
    • Resources with long names are now truncated for Large Font Mode when scanning
    • Resolved an issue with Large Font Mode in the Barter Menu when selling higher quantities of items
    • Temporary text will no longer display if you quickly select the “Continue” option from the Main Menu
    • Ship registration costs will now display the accurate amount both on vendors and the hangar menu
    • Addressed Mass display when selling items from ship cargo
    • Skill Challenge pop-ups will now have truncated text instead of shrunken text where applicable
    • Resolved an issue with gravity wells appearing on the Missions Menu when opening it from the Starmap
    • Location names and quest objectives will now truncate properly on the planet map
    • Creations store title displays fully in all languages
    • A message prompt will appear when trying to load a save where a Creation is unavailable on the current platform
    • Weapons will default to their original skin in menus if a weapon skin creation is disabled
    • Addressed an issue with sorting for Best Results in Creations menu
    • Addressed an incorrect notification of insufficient credits when an exceptionally large number of credits are available
    • Ammo counts should now display correctly for values over 100,000
    • The damage popup can now display numbers larger than 4 digits
    • Addressed an issue caused by aiming down sights while pickpocketing a character
    • Crew menu will now correctly display when someone is assigned to the player’s home
    • The repair button is no longer visible in the hangar inspect menu
    • Resolved an issue with waiting that could briefly cause unintended text to appear
    • Healing items now preview the amount of health restored
    • Storage containers will now have their weight updated when all items are cleared from them
    • The ship marker in the scanner will display at the correct location when docked at a space station
    • Crafting completion confirmation prompt will now be spaced correctly for longer titles
    • Tunneling creatures will no longer show their nameplates or quest targets when tunneling
    • Scanner Anomalies can now be a landing target while piloting a ship in orbit
  • Audio
    • Increased center channel audio usage for surround sound setups
    • Addressed an issue that could cause pow
Steam: Starfield Update 1.14.70 – September 30, 2024
Starfield - Starfield Update 1.14.70 – September 30, 2024 - Steam News
Starfield’s September Update contains fixes for Quests, the REV-8, the ship builder, and more. Read on to see everything...


Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) : 未対応

Starfieldのアップデートに対応した新しいStarfield Script Extender (SFSE)が公開されました。SFSEは、Starfield内で使えるスクリプトを追加する、他のModでも利用される、基本になるModです。



Starfield Nexus: Starfield Script Extender (SFSE): by Ian Patterson
Starfield Script Extender (SFSE): 公式


Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)の記事

Address Library for SFSE Plugins



Starfield Nexus: Address Library for SFSE Plugins: by meh321

Baka Disable My Games Folder : 未対応

スターフィールドは、Document / ドキュメントにあるMy GamesにあるStarfieldに、Dataフォルダがリンクもしくはデータとして作られます。この新しいシステムを、これまでのベセスダのゲームと同じような、ゲームフォルダにModデータを置いて行うシステムに変更するSFSEのPluginです。

事前に、My Games/StarfieldにあるDataフォルダを削除する必要があります。Dataフォルダを削除しないと起動しません。

SFSEとAddress Library for SFSE Pluginsが前提Modです。


Starfield Nexus: Baka Disable My Games Folder: by shad0wshayd3

Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE) : 未対応


SFSEとAddress Library for SFSE Pluginsが前提Modです。


Starfield Nexus: Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE): by shad0wshayd3

Plugins.txt Enabler

特定のESM / ESPを使用する方法として、Plugins.txt Enablerを使用することが、SF1Editで推奨されています。Mod Organizer 2を使う方が良いのかもと言う話ですが、一応紹介します。


C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Local\Starfield\Plugins.txt


Plugins.txt: Nexusより引用

# This file is used by Starfield to keep track of your downloaded content. (You HAVE to keep a # on the first line here)
*Custom Plugin With Spaces.esm


Starfield Nexus: Plugins.txt Enabler: by Nukem



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[Skyrim AE / SE]: Regal Greatswords – Weaponstech
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[Skyrim AE / SE]: アップデート 2024年1月17日
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